Its alive...Sorta

Well i Fired up the 65 barracuda today i let it warm up a little and played around with it in the driveway for a bit. I did some fiddling around and found out some cool stuff.

1. The Orginal dash metal is still there coverd by the alum plate. :thumrigh:

2. that it has LSD!! :cheers:

3. That it leaks watter under the back window. :(

and 4, the Fricken Alternator dosent work for ****. not the Battery is dead once again. :puker: :pukel:

Now i kinda have a renewed Pleasure in owning this thing. I have a Habbit of letting projects die and i lose intrest. I dont think ill have a problem with this anymore.

Thanks for reading my Rambling. Hope you can make heads or tails of what im saying.