Ok so lets really talk K-members here Folks

Bill says $1399 for just the K-Member that's great but again doesn't that seem high?

Not really in the whole scope of building a car.

I know the unit I have been talking about has been on the road in real world testing for at least the last 12 months maybe more and I know the design is not rocket building with tinker toys it's a very well thought out part with a good deal of passion and experience behind it.

Since your close to this project, then kick out a price on what you and the builder think it would cost?

The only point keeping this conversation going is that there is a new possible product here, building hype, and no parties close to the project will toss out a price. So pony up and tell us a price range? X$ - X$

I'm thinking part of the reason for a lack of a price is not so much that the product is not ready or that the options are endless, but more so that it can not be done as cheap as speculated.

I'm with Ink....lets all sell our mopars and buy a mustang so we can get some cheap costing parts to build.:toothy10: