Wahooo...it's finally here!!!

Well nothingbutdarts, I have an extra lift squirred away in the shop right now that I'm going to mock up in the van, just to see how it's going to work out, its the exact same model as we have in our current van. Our friends got a new lift and the conversion center just throws away the old ones, so they told us to go and get it. The mother board had just been replaced to the tune of $1500.00 so I didn't want to let it go in case ours fails. Now I'm glad I got it to do the mock up. When the van is complete, we're going to get a new lift installed, as there are some really nice new designs. Nella has some pretty good insurance and they will pay for 2 lifts before she is 18 when the insurance runs out, so we are trying to baby our current lift along until she's closer to the cutoff, another reason I picked up the extra lift, she's 12 right now.

Leanna, we have no intentions of letting you out of anything!! You have been such a good friend to us and Nella just loves you so much, how could we not include you this project??? When we get rolling and figure out exactly what theme we are going to do with the van, your skills and talents are going to be of the utmost importance. And don't think we're going to neglect Sunfish and the dash project either!!! I'm gonna get on that now that the holiday season is passed.

We hope to include every one of our FABO family somehow, so you all can be proud to say that you got to share in a little girls dream. You all mean the world to us, and we can't thank everybody enough for taking the time to care so much about us, and give us the inspiration we need to see a project like this through. Your words of encouragement, your offers to help in any way possible, all of it is very much appreciated and we can't thank you enough. It's going to be an FABO community project, and we can't think of a better way to get it done than to share it with all of our family here. God bless you all, you are the best!!! Geof