Ok so lets really talk K-members here Folks

A couple quick video's Tory did today He says he is sorry for the quality but he just threw these together.
man that car is sick!!!

Very very informative thread with a lot of good vantage points to the same problem/situation. I would love to build a K-frame that would have it's mounting points for all of the stock components in the factory location. Benefit? probably a little weight and header clearance but the biggest benefit for me would be not having to chase and haggle over a K-frame for a project car that is made out of unobtainium because its for a B/RB A-body or whatnot. Sometimes the beauty of a part isn't weight or brand recognition or "look what I got", sometimes it's ordering a $400 part that you can get your ride back on the road with with the stuff you already got. Of course this is my opinion and I could be wrong :glasses9: