Wahooo...it's finally here!!!

Well nothingbutdarts, I'm coming up with a plan to get the ball rolling on the van, and it's a plan that's gonna include a bunch of good A-body parts for sale here to people who may need them. I'm going to be going through every spare part I have and putting them out there for the good people here if they need them. I'm going to start by doing jobs in increments, and selling parts and setting aside every penny from the sale of the parts to complete one phase at a time. If at the end of my stash I need to sell the car, I'm gonna do it, the van is that important. Of course, if I don't have to sell the car, I'm not gonna, but I have no hesitation in getting rid of it if I have to. We use our van every day, and the GTX got driven twice last year. Now, of course thats partly because we have the A-bodies, but neither of them are mine and I have no intention of making Nella choose between her convertible and the van, thats just not fair. I am the provider for this family, and I will see this project through if it means selling the GTX, my beloved Martin guitars, or anything else I have, except the standup bass, I need that to keep the $$$ rolling in!!!

As for a list of things I need for the van, I don't know exactly what I need just yet. First thing I need to do is empty it of all of the items that Chuck included and take stock of whats there. He included an 8 3/4 rear for it, so I'm going to send that off to the blaster and I already have a suregrip center section for it, so that's all set. He also included a 727 smallblock trans, so I'll just send that over to be rebuilt. I have a dozen motors to choose from, and I'm leaning towards a 1970 318 that I have, so off to the rebuilder that will go. I will be looking for some van specific items like the visor above the windshield, the rear wheel flares, and of course some ideas and how-to's about interior lighting, media hookups and other stuff I don't usually have to do in cars, or life for that matter. Nella will be choosing the color, paint scheme, and she really likes the look of Cragar 5 spoke rims, so those are definetly gonna happen. I'll keep you all posted, and if anybody has anything I need, I'll be glad to make deals for stuff I have, buy them outright or do anything I have to do to get them. Thanks everyone for all the input, it's really keeping me excited about this project!!

And to Daredevil, I love the look of that picture, and I'm gonna try to get it enlarged so Nella can get a good look at it. She really loves horses so thats gotta be included in the theme somehow!!! Thanks again all, Geof