Any good aluminum floor jack recommendations?

Thanks bud, you should have seen me yesterday.
My Wife said I hope you don't do "That" in front of customers tomorrow.

The Wife and kids could not help laughing at me and I laughed right along with them because it was funny to watch me walk, then all of the sudden flinch and drop to my knees in excruciating pain as it felt like my rib was jammed into a nerve, then all of the sudden the muscles would release and I was back in business, till about 20 seconds was friggin hilarious if you can picture was like someone had a remote control and was zapping my *** with an evil smile on their face. ha, ha.

I told them that the best thing about pain like that is that it let's you know you are still alive.....I kinda like it.

Man you might need to take easy for awhile. My dad hurt his back lifting a double window in place by himself. The next day he laid in out living room floor all day long. It's amazing what a man will do in order to support his family.