Question for all you veteran techs...

While I am not a tech I have worked closely with them for years in a few different environments. Now I dont know anything about dealers back east of the US... but out here where I am at I dont understand some of the comments made. Dealers are only warranty repair specialists. Thats crap. The only reason a dealer does warranty repairs and not enough customer pay jobs is poor marketing and advertising. I have been in a dealer for the last ten years and we have cracker jack techs and even better people marketing the service dept. Are we slammin busy ? No. But the customer pay jobs are still rolling in... matter of fact Since I am the warranty manager here I can tell you that warranty repairs has dropped massively in the last 3 years. Like my techs state.... " Sure am glad were not living off warranty repairs" .... Yes Warranty pays less..then customer pay jobs.... but wanna know something funny ? My techs get a HVAC door replaced in the same amount of time wether its Warranty or CP. They just get paid more time for CP. So basically W isnt screwing them. They just dont get the gravy off the top. I see lots of complaints and such but in MY opinion... the dealer is the best place to work. I personally have good freinds in the independant world that are starving to death for work. Stick with the dealer and become the best tech you can.

Good luck either way