1971 Duser 340 H code 4 spd

Price is high by about $10,000 in my opinion. He did ask…….

If I was the seller and needed to sell this car I would make a few changes (to cover more of the market.

1. Finish out the graphics package (340 Stripes and rear graphic)

2. Get stock wheels (rallye) and 4 matching tires in a stock size (Something like a BFG Radial TA).

3. Get the car sitting level.

You should be able to do all of this for a little over $1000 (all would be recovered with the sale of old parts).

The reason I make these suggestions……. Your car would have a "more" stock and finished look, broadening the appeal.

Stock looking is a blank canvas for the potential buyer. They look and the ideas start flowing.

The pool of buyers is larger for a "stock Looking" car vs. the pool of buyers that share your personal taste.