Supercharge Or Turbo?

Look up the evolution of supercharging and turbo charging in aircraft engines. The effects and benefits are realized over the years. It is amazing how much energy is shooting out the exhaust pipe. Very interesting reading if you are info forced induction. My opinion is ditto what DarTT said.. Also I have no first hand experience.

It's certainly true that superchargers use engine power to turn them and also true that we're talking about engine power that never makes it to the rear wheels.

But turbocharging extracts its own pound of flesh from the engine, to create boost. It does so by creating increased back pressure in the exhaust system; if your engine is enjoying. say, 20 pounds of boost, you probably have something like 30+ pounds of back pressure in the exhaust system up-stream of the turbocharger. Overall, it's a good tradeoff, because turbos tend to be more efficient than superchargers, but don't think that turbocharging is "free." It's not...