should I sue?

Nope just when it's rude and belittling,or someone trying to draw me into a dick measuring contest. I just can't be bothered with it.Totally unneccesary. All I can say to baiting type haters is you win;your the bigger dick. . Sometimes folks assume a little too much as well.

And I've been saying for 2 pages,there aint gonna be a lawsuit. It was a frustrated response to an on going historical issure that so far 90% of local folks I speak with agree with.City hall so far is not responsive to the issues in a permanent manner. They make a big show of things after there is an accident up here and then fall back into the same old pattern. It's irresponsible. And Im not the only one affected. My mother inlaw recently could not get out to get meds. It's things like that which occur. They are playing with fire and I intend to make sure city hall does NOT get sued,by affecting a positive change to thier snow removal program. Go ahead and hate that to death...

So petition it is.