Water in #6 cylinder?

Well it turnes out my block was cracked in the cylinder just below the ring line but starting to spread upward. This was not visible when I put it together and I didn't notice anything when I pulled it 4 years ago. It ran fine but had flettened a couple cam lobes from crappy oil pressure(im guessing). I should of had the blocked checked but was on a budget. My guess is with the new rings and added pressure it just gave way finally but was probably there for a while underneath.:angry7: Everything about this car has been mickey moused at one point or another by PO just to resale. But for 800 clams I can't complain to much, it just kicks my *** to do things two and sometimes three times. Atleast im learning.
I located a 71 340 block from a local member here for a fair price(thank you rampage340) and will take it to the shop tomorrow with my pistons and haved it bored some. Mine are stamped os on the tops and will not fit the bores. No big deal, I hope. Just $$. I do not have the tools to get a acurate measurment. They look to be slightly under 4 1/16" in dia. with the calipers I have.
Don't trash me to bad for being a rookie shade tree mechanic. Just trying to learn as I go for future projects, which I have on this one. And whatever I put into her its still cheaper the a monthly car payment.
Thanks for reading and to those who offerd thier help.