Attention all Members: Stop Name Calling and Bickering

Well, I must be reading the wrong threads (thank God), because I've not seen much bickering or name calling on the threads I read. I also haven't seen much bad seller/buyer callouts either, so thats good too. Wait...are you all sayin''s me ain't it??? Youse are talkin' about me right??? Why you @#$%&$#.... oops, I'm doin' it again ain't I???

Seriously, I really haven't seen much bickering and name calling, and not many bad seller/buyer threads, I thought we were doing pretty good. Guess I'm sticking to the road here, maybe it's over in the politboro!!! I'm with everybody else though, bickering, name calling and the like have no place in this big, happy family we call FABO. And I'm sorry to hear about Strokerscamp, no one should leave over something someone else said. He has lots of friends here, please tell him that if you talk to him!!! Geof