Sorry guys another one.....

You guy's that say he is charging to much have to remember that this is his business and he has more than just his own labor to pay for. Like for instance, rent/mortgage, insurance, utilities, labor taxes, waste disposal and I am sure he has other employees he has to pay just to name a few costs associated with owning your own business. Clearly some of you have not owned or do not know what the costs involved are with owning your own business. I own two and although it has it's perks it also has a lot of headaches and costs.

Granted there are other ways to get the job done with less expense but as far as paying a business to do it, the price is about on par and if he feels good about the guy doing it then that would be worth a little extra because piece of mind goes a long way. I don't think I want to put my life in the hand of the lowest bidder if I don't have to.
