Attention all Members: Stop Name Calling and Bickering

I am glad you are sticking around strokerscamp .....I missed whatever thread everyone is referring to but I don't need to see it. I know you are one of the "good fellas" and your A O K in my book ....I will be re-sending you a friend request since you deleted everyone.

I have dropped my fabo usage .....not by a bunch but I have not been using it as much as i normally do.

main reason is, well....for most of the reasons pointed out in this thread lol.

you can't post anything without it being criticized any more or being made to feel under minded.

this last year has been financially tough for me and my family and I had mentioned it in threads of mine before ( I like to keep my friends up to date on how things are going rather it be my day to day or my duster or something funny I did or whatever the case....and that not only includes my friends in real life but my friends here on fabo) and at one point ( I will not mention who) but someone went as far as PMing me and basically saying I was financially a bad parent. which really pi$$ed me off.....the economy is rough on most everyone right now and I do not see how its fair at all to judge someone you do not even know and say things like that when a good % of american parents are in the same boat as we were....My family means everything to me and for him to even make a comment like that made me want to find where he lived and beat him senseless lol.

I will agree, there are alot of know it all's,people here to sell a car only and not here to take part in the "fabo experience" and so on.

but I would like to say that putting a title of "know it all" and plastering it to the younger age group is just wrong......."know it all's" come in different form,young,old,male and female ......I see just as many "old guys" saying they know everything from I do seeing the young guys saying they know ever thing from college there is no point in that argument.

I am 24 (still considered a young gun) I know alot about cars and I have done alot of first hand work in all different fields and aspects of working on a car.....however I do not know EVERYTHING and I will be the first to say that I still have alot to learn and that I am not afraid to ask questions when I have doubts about something...and I still learn new stuff all the time.

AND yes I have learned alot from the older mopar generation BUT I have also been taught a thing or 2 from the younger crowd .

The main reason I like fabo is for the friends and the information. and car **** of course HAHAHA.

your bound to have arguments .... think of it this way......FABO is a giant well performing engine. inside that engine you have oil,fuel,and coolant (fluids) (these fluids are us) .....when we all work together to focus on making things run goes off without a hitch.

but as soon as a drain pan (argument) is introduced into the scenario we are all splashed together. some of us are bound to not mix (agree) i.e.-oil and coolant, some of us stink up the place i.e.-fuel,we may have some sludge build up ( figurative slime balls lol).....but if every one works together than we as a one make for a great well performing engine.

sorry for the funky analogy lol.

anyhow...fabo rocks...I have made many friends and I have learned alot. And even with some of the select few bad apples that have came in went.....fabo is still worth coming back to.