A few minutes in the life of a Detroiter

way to go Dan!

rather you can change a persons life or not.....changing someones day can mean alot....and atleast you were able to help in some form.

agreed, not everyone on the street is kind or a good willed person.....some have no one but them selves to blame for being in the situation they are in and some of them choose drugs and alcohol over things of higher meaning.

but not every one of them is the same ,some of them may have been hit really hard by the economic times and were just not able to dig out of it.

being from michigan myself (southern MI) its a shame to see detroit for what it is now after knowing what it was in its glory days.

there are not many homeless people who are visibly in public or on the streets in my area but from time to time you see one of them.

I remember when I was about 15 years old.....a few friends and I were driving up and down the " AVE " and we seen a homeless guy on the side of the street with a sign....my friends were all poking fun at him as we drove past him.

I sat quietly until we got a mile down the street when I finally said to my buddy who was driving , "you know what, turn around real quick".....so we did and we stopped and asked the guy if he needed anything and I was going to give him a few $$$ but he almost looked like he might have been an alcoholic so I said to him...."stay right here would ya"......and I told my buddy to drive up the street to the burger king.....we went through the drive through and I got a few burgers and a drink and what not and we headed back to the guy and I gave him the food.....he was very thankful for it and I almost want to say that his thank you might have been a little more thankfull knowing that the money was used to get him a meal rather than to maybe go waste on a 5th of booze or something.

I try to put in change at the buckets every christmas, drop my change in the change jars at counters of stores from time to time.....its not much but I try to do even just a little part to help.

way to go again dan, good to know people care!