A few minutes in the life of a Detroiter

i too have been scammed by con-artist posing to be homeless,

on lunch break, i went to store. got out of car and a woman walked up to me and asked for 20 bucks so she and the infant in her hands could get a bus ticket back home, as their car broke down. but the way she was pacing, i kinda knew already. i gave her the 20 bucks, went in the store. came out, i did not see her. well as i was pulling out, i see her come out of store with cigs, but no baby. she looks at me, i look at her....... she runs to a car with some thug driving. jumps in and sticks the finger at me!. boy was i heated. but then said to myself, that i had givin to her on my own terms mentally. so what she does with it, who cares. i gave it to her on the assumption of the child in her arms.

now my other point of veiw is this. people chastise others on here for stripping cars. we are called flippers.

i had the same job for 14 years. it went under. and in this economy, my field of work dried up. i chose to either rob,steal to buy food and shelter for my family, or go out and find money the right way. so i choose to "flip". whether it be tools, cars, parts. i buy and sell anything. some times i can make 5 bucks on an item, sometimes i can make 500.00 on something. but i know that everyone thinks"oh, it so easy to buy stuff, then resell it" NO, that is so far from the truth. i may sit on 2,000 dollars into something for months, or put out 1,000 and when the item does sell, maybe make 50 bucks on it. but that 50.00 goes a long way in this tough economy.

i feel that this country is doing pretty good. we all know it is not right to commit crimes, but all these families out there that cannot pay their bills, or have shelter for their children, i give them a free pass to do what is nessacary to supply for their young. i am not saying that anarchy is correct, but what do you exspect them to do/? let them die? no. how can you tell them to get a job, when there is none????????? companies are laying off, left and right.