Supercharge Or Turbo?

Bill, I see the exhaust manifold in your profile picture and I have to ask where you got it. That thing looks amazing and I am looking at building a slant and have been thinking about turboing it.


Jeff, my partner in this project (Freddie Nielsen) and I looked on the Internet for a turbo/slant-six header and could only find one for sale commercially, an Australian-manufactured one they were selling for $1,200.

We aren't made out of money, and thought we could beat that price by building it ourselves.

The header you're seeing was built by my partner, a 73-year old retired surveyor who had never built a header in his life.

Expenses to build it (travel to a MIG weld shop, travel to a ceramic coating place, and, parts (flanges, pipe, u-bends, two 3-into-one collectors and a two-into-one collector, plus a turbo mounting flange,) came to just over $1,000.00.

Freddie did ALL the "cut-and-try" on this thing; I ordered the parts but never touched it. He did it all.

I asked him about building another, and he said, "Never again."

Regarding the money we "saved" by doing it ourselves.... Freddie says we would have been money ahead to have bought the Aussie unit, if you count his labor at fifty cents an hour.... LOL

Now, that $1,200.00 unit has gone off the radar, but a FABO member is tooling up for a commercially-available /6-turbo header.... might be available soon. STAY TUNED!!!

And, thanks for the kind words!!! I'll tell Freddie you liked his work...