parents, what's your take on this?

Why was she on the boys team when they had a girls team?

Why do parents insist on forcing girls into boy's leagues when they can play in there own leagues? I don't wanna hear about better competition breeds better play either cause where does the best boy go? Pro? I think not.

Why is it that every other freaking bleeding heart a-hole has to go out of there way to create some controversy just to prove a worthless point?
Make all suffer for one person who ends up suffering the most anyway and probably...more like definitely, was coerced by a parent.

I have three kids and all compete in sports.

I see this stupid shiz from parents all the time.....I sit and bite my tounge.

It's a real shame....makes me loath organized sports more than ever.

I just make sure they are having fun and if it goes my girls soccer league did....then we finish up and go try something else.

My $0.02 rant and not intended to be directed towards anyone on this thread.
