New CAP Auto Products Tubular K frame!

Mrmopartech said
As soon as a new mouse trap appears on the market,people tend to reject the trap and say it can,t work.There are other traps on the market,some say they are good,some say they are bad,others use them and have no problems as long as it is used as intended!My order is in for the unit and other parts and I WILL have no problems and Will make it better than every one else out there.This is a niece piece of workmanship,and not a 2x4 steel construction that any welding shop can put together for 75$ worth of steel.Before one has tossed the unit in the scrap heap,lets get off our *** and make a call or email the person and talk to them first,and find out that you can even get it cheaper,than the quoted price,mrmopartech

??? are we talking about the dare set up or the cap set up?? no one said the cap set wouldn't work...