Attention all Members: Stop Name Calling and Bickering

Personally I'm really tired of the posts here and there where the tone of the Member is such that their opinion is the Be-All and End-All of any discussion. Istead of contributing their two cents to the discussion in a friendly, polite neighborly fashion, the tone is sarcastic and of the "I can't believe you ask such stupid questions and don't know this information" school of thought.
I have very rudimentary mechanical skills, and am the first to say "Hey, I don't have a clue how to do this, can someone help?" What I don't want or need are replies from Members who want to demonstrate how they're the Smartest Guy in the Room that day by insulting my lack of subject knowledge. I joined this site because I don't know a lot of things, and want to learn from other Members. Conversly, if I manage to pick up some way of doing some procedure along the way and think it may benefit a Member(s), I'll be glad to share but it's only my opinion and not The Gospel.
Just my two cents, and worth probably about that much.