426 inch+ small blocks

I figured the weights might be a problem. I see your point in regard to acceptable designs Dave. But, I know that ring seal goes away on the 4" motors about 3 times as fast as a 3.58 stroke. I've seen it. Not in a few thousand, but after 20K or so it can get messy. And that's with doing everything one can in terms of getting machining and wall finish right, plus using good parts. It's not the block or pistons that wear out. It's the ability of the rings to seal with that much movement at TDC. If we're comparing to GM I also believe the cylinder wall integrity is MUCH better on the LS engines than a Mopar factory block. In my opinion there comes a time when building stroke just for the sake of it doesnt make sense. Above 4" in a small block is it for me when it comes to a street car. There is such a thing a too much of a good thing. You'll have to take yours and leak it down after about 10K miles and see where it's at. Is there a way to opt for a factory ring stack in that piston or is it only 1.5mm or 1/16?