NC members...Car/Truck and parts wanted..have stuff for trade.

With the ever increasing fuel prices , I have to suggest something more efficient for daily driving. Driving a beat up 20 year old ricer isn't so bad. Put a bumper sticker on it that reads,
My other car is in a magazine.
Good luck

You might be right...
I thought about an old Mopar because I can do everything to them (easy service).

I may get some mid' 90's GM V6'er or later 4 cylinder. Like a Sunfire or something?? I heard gas is going to get stupid expensive next year, somewhere in the ballpark of $5 a gallion.

I will laugh at the oil companies when it does because all that greed will cause them to choke on it and demand will go down. The higher the fuel goes up, the less people are going to start traveling. They will find out soon enough. As for people like me and others that have to's gonna be a tough one.