72 demon 340 resto

i got a few more things done this week. like i said...i had to break that sandblast cabinet in! i got most of the brake parts cleaned up and painted this week. the rearend, springs & shackles, horns, tank straps, and wiper motor are all cleaned up.
i ve got a small assembly line for nuts and bolts set up. i spent over 60 bucks on the last car just on bolts. so i figured i d save all the bolts i could this time round. so i took 3 plastic coffee cans and made an assembly line to clean the rusty bolts. super easy.
1 st can has muratic acid( also has a lid. nasty stuff)
2 nd can has soapy water with baking soda in it.
3 rd can has a 20-1 solution of water-"Rust-Ban"(keeps metal from flash rusting) in it.
takes about 1/2 hour to clean bolts, but all u have to do is dunk and walk away. i figured some guys would like to know more about this whole process, so i ll start a new thread on it.
i also finished the mods to the bottom of my AMD quarter panel yesterday.
fits a lot better now.