To Stat or NOT to Stat...That is the Question?

Hey Bruceo2011 & C130Chief!

Update onthis thread.......

I went to the radiator shop and the old radiator is in great working condition & no signs of rust. Performed all the standard tests, pressure, looked for holes...nothing. The guy did a backflush and a couple of things were replaced: the the radiator cap (missing rubber seal) and the Temp. Sender (just flat out old!), new Thermostat (Stant # 45358-SuperStat) opened and is in working order and the T-Gasket, of course! The Voltage Regultor was replaced, as well. However, the Heater Core was, a temporary "bypass" has been done until I cen gether back in to be fixed. She is in better cooling condition. Thanks Again!