Treasures found under the seats

Over the years I have found some coins, small screw drivers, make up, crayons, a rusty pocket knife, stuff like that.

One night after midnight I got pulled over in my 57', the cops were bored and spent over a half an hour searching my car.

They found a Frisbee I had lost track of, and under the dash, way up who knows where, they found a really old box of .22 ammo.

Then the cop shop radioed that I had a warrant from 5 years past.

I think we all know what happened next.

On the way to the police station, me in the back seat of the police car, I asked,
"why did you guys pull me over?"

The answer.... "we had a call of a car just like yours involved in a crime"

I said, "really?... A two tone light brown over brown 1957 two door Ford Ranch Wagon?"


The rest of the trip to the police station was very quiet.
I had that pulled on me two years ago. Cop pulled me over to find out were the car in front of me went. Like I should know? Midnight in the middle of no were New Hampshire. Then he said that he had a report of a car like mine involved in harassing cows! Ya right the other 64 red Valiant convertible that is in this state.