Guess Who .......?????

:stop:they got here is worse shape than they are in now,removed from under trees with debis filling the trunk gutters,pine needles filling the cowls you name it a cars worse nightmare,lets not get into a pissin match about what I do with my cars,if you new me you would understand they are here because they are not at the crusher turned into some new pile of ****.I spent MY time Effort and Money to save them and i'll do as I see fit for them,next time ya wanna call someone a hoarder or insinuate that person may be lazy or not capable of fixing them you might try doing a search here on fabo to see their accomlisments,then again you don't know me or the parts i have gathered for each of the cars and the work I have done to each one of them or the fact that I do more progects in six months than most people do in six years,not to mention knocked all the walls out of my home and repaired everything in site,new plumbing,new electical ,flooring ceilings etc and I am not a house builder kinda guy.when I get out of this rut I'm in you won't know what to think,I am usually very motivated and will be again for now peace to ya :cheers: