Guess Who .......?????

Thats exacty what you did,you guessed,now you don't know what to think cause ya forgot to do that before ya put up this stupid.yea effin stupid negative a$$ post before doing any homework before posting....back in the day we refered to people such as this as blithering idiots. I'm not taking offence but I am pointing out what does irritate most people.I don't recall ever hoarding parts that I don't need,many members here have had my yard open to them if they needed a part, many have had parts they needed shipped to them from my yard. you prolly don't even believe in slanty clause do ya? well do ya? when I get done with my house and everybody elses projects I'll drag one of them beat to death hunks of crap out of my backyard and have it up and running and lookin good before you can figure out how to think before you post next time :angry7:

Let me guess...

another hoarder who as he ages and these cars rust, future residents of FABO will start posting more photos of this dude's backyard and complain about how he just let everything go to hell.