Body panel replacement tips/advice needed

Hey guys.....first let me say, I am somewhat a "jack of all trades" I have done a bit of everything that has to do with cars rather it be engine repair/building and all related aspects, most all things mechanical with the exception of not yet trying my hand at rebuilding a transmission on my own (Ill try it one day). Interior work,electrical work,metal work,body work,paint name it I have done it multiple times.

however, I do not know EVERYTHING (who does?).....although I may be skilled enough to not have to pay a mechanic to fix my car or pay to have it restored. I still can not say I am an expert in any given area as I find there is always more to learn.

which is why I am making this thread lol.

soon I will be tackling the metal work I have been waiting to do on my 72 duster (saving funds to get the panels needed) ....I will be getting AMD panels.

I will be replacing both lower rear quarter panels. And I will also be replacing the tail light panel. Tail light panel is dented and has rust and its not really salvagable. and both lower rear quarters have rust.

both the trunk drop down panels that connect to the rear quarters have a little bit of rot but I will fabricate my own patches/replacements rather then spend the money on aftermarket replacements so I am not worried about that....what I am basically interested in is tips and pointers in regards to the lower rear quarters and tail light panel.

I have all the necessary tools for the most part. I have a welder (not the baddest dude on the market...thats for sure... but it does good on sheet metal ....just a cheap 110 wire fed flux cored non gas welder. I have done alot of welding with it and I am comfortable with using it so I normally can get pretty good welds out of it.

I know the basics of welding sheet metal being that you tack weld it up first and cool it with a wet rag or air in between spot welds to avoid warping and all that good stuff.

but I was curious if any others have gone about doing a project such as this that could tell me any tips on removing the old tail panel and lower rear quarters and how you went about lining it up and what type of welds you did on them and if anyone has any pictures of the process on the vehicle they did this too?

all the help/tips/advice/guidance would be appreciated

P.S. sorry for this being so long, just trying to make sure I have it explained as much as I can.