Greetings from North Alabama

Welcome airwoofer, I am located in south Tennesee area. I know the car your talking about very well "Bad medicine", We raced against it several times at Huntsville in the footbrake class in our Duster, won some lost some. Losing to a Mopar was better than a Chevy.. He lived pretty close to the track as I recall, we dropped off the scene a couple of years back as our kids started growing up and time at the track was less and less.

Again welcome to the best Mopar site around....

Cool! Skippy (Zack liked to say he was the "Skipinator"!) claimed he was pretty good at racing. He never had much money and did the best he could with what he had. I remember him coming into the local pool bar where I met him (was called Heidis) and he said he won the Sat night bracket race. Guy was one of a kind and they broke the mold after him.

If I can get a tag for the car it will read "SKIPN8R".