79 360 cam selection

OK, you'll need the B&M flex plate designed to mate a external balanced engine to a internal balanced torque converter.

A inexpensive shift kit from Trans-Go would be a good move IMO and it can be used later.

Fiberglass bumpers are cheap enuff. I have seen people take there time with chrome paint with decent results. It is possible to get the fiberglass bumpers to someone for a nice finish. Look for light weight brackets and ditch the inner steel.

On the carb, use a K&N extreme set up, flow through top or equal. This will help her breath well up top. A 1/2 inch spacer *should* help. Lifting the carbs butterflies up level with the carb pad on the intake.

If ya can track test it before an actual contest between you and the Stang, power can be found through degreeing the cam. This is worth the pains to do. Between degreeing the can and twisting the distributor around a tad, you can really lower your times.

1wild and crazyguy went through a bit of this on his car and he reeally picked up a bit between the adjustments of the 2 said items above.

Whatcha doinb for exhaust? Pipes ending at the rear tire? 2-1/2's?