
This was kind of interesting as far as possum discussions go. :-D


I'd heard before that they can carry hepatitis and rabies so I wanted to check the facts before posting that. Glad I did too -- the wiki article doesn't support the rumor (they're eight times less likely than a wild dog to carry rabies it says) and I really hate to be a gossip.

With the outside / shop kitties combined with living out in the boonies, we get our fair share of possums and raccoons raiding the food dishes. The coons are much more aggressive defending "their" food and will stand up on their hind feet to face you off. One of the regulars is a big sucker and measures me -- 5'0 -- about mid-waist! The possums are more concerned about just getting the hell out of there.

The pictures of Bandit are great! I didn't know what to expect when I opened this thread but I'm glad I did.