I had to rat on someone for the first time ever

Thanks guys, I figured I was doing the right thing, I've just never had to tell on anyone before. Usually I handle things myself when something is going on at work. Like if a coworker is being lazy and I have to pick up their slack, I'll tell them face to face instead of going to a supervisor. It's always worked out better in the end for me. I couldn't do that in this situation.

abodyjoe, as far as me stealing time to watch his, yeah I guess I did steal about 5 minutes. Do you want your .00001 cent back? It's my job to fix attendance errors and when I noticed he had a very clean attendance sheet when he's hardly even here, I started to wonder. Then again since you're so worried about me stealing time, I guess I could have just let it go on. Instead of me stealing a couple minutes to catch it, I could just let him continue to steal thousands of dollars.

To the other poster who can't stand people who say "its not my job"...well I'm not that type of person either. I actually like doing work outside of my job description because its just added experience I can put on my resume. It's one thing to help out in other areas when they get swamped and a totally different thing when you're being asked to cover up for someones laziness and stupidity.