I had to rat on someone for the first time ever

stealing is stealing my man.

Ok I'm just going to let you win this one instead of being baited into a ridiculous argument. :sleepy1:

I don't think the race card will get pulled here. If it does then it wont really matter because there is already proof of stealing time.

The racist thoughts some of you guys are having are funny because in this case, they are true. His cultural beliefs make him think that everyone (especially women) should do everything for him like he is some type of king. He thinks life should be handed to him on a silver platter because of who he is.

Whats funny is that there are two other engineers in my area that are from the same country and about the same age as him. They are two of the nicest and smartest guys we have here. They work hard and if they wanted to, they could easily go out in the private sector and make a lot more money. Instead they stay here because they are passionate about what they do and they like being a part of a system that helps keep the people of this state safe.