
Probably one of the most important tools you can bring if you don't have one already is a cell phone with a charger that fits in your cigar lighter. Even better would be a Blackberry with internet. That way if you get into real trouble you can mapquest any part store that is nearby and you would be more self reliant than having to take the tow truck driver's word for it. Should it come down to that.

One other thing to look out for... Be sure your spare is also filled with air and not leaking and that the lug nuts are not overtighted as they all are when you let some bozo at the tire shop put the wheels on your car.

Finally, and this should be common sense, but I too forget this. Make sure you have plenty of window washing fluid in the resovior. (Working right...?).
I don't know how many times I ran out while driving into the sun with on coming traffic. A good way to get bugs in your teeth as you peer out the drivers door window!

Have fun and be safe....FLARES.. don't forget FLARES....

I sound like a mother now....