Body panel replacement tips/advice needed

I hope you do not mind that I use your picture but I didnt have a good close up picture of my drivers side rear quarter to use as an example.

anyhow, my drivers rear quarter panel has some "lumpy" metal where it had been in a fender bender and someone tried repairing it (this damage was extended around onto the tail panel aswell which someone "repaired" which along with some rust issues is why I am replacing the rear panel also).

shown in GREEN is roughly where the lump metal is on my car.

shown in BLUE is where there is a slight dent right on the body line of the wheel well.

Shown in RED is roughly where there is rust issues.

And shown in yellow is roughly what I THINK the size of the replacement panels is. (judging by pictures of new replacement panels they spann roughly from the center of the wheel well until the panel end, and from the bottom of the panel until about an inch over the top body like which would be right under the fuel filler opening.

the ORANGE line represents roughly where I am thinking of cutting and replacing (about 2" below the top body line ). that will get rid of all of the rusty/dented metal in that area.

I just wanted to share that with you guys so you could see what I am working with.

the passenger side I am basically just looking at the very lower portion of the panel needing replaced such as the original picture evil340 posted.

also here is a picture of the duster when I first got it a couple of years ago, you can kind of see where the rust and dents are that I mentioned.