Body panel replacement tips/advice needed

this is exactly why I posted this thread lol, so I could get everyones input and for peoples input to make me think harder about what I am doing. You make a good point with the flange lowering the risk of warpage and with having to weld such a large peice in a large somewhat flat area that's right in plain sight. I want to eliminate as much possible warpage as I can and keep any hammer and dolly and body filler to a minimum . And I suppose even with going the flanged route that if the back side is not 100% perfect looking that it's not that big of a deal.

As mentioned I can use seam sealer, under coat it and I have plans to finish off the trunk in carpeting with panels that cover the trunk to quarter drop off gaps anyhow .... So if all else fails it would be hidden anyhow.

I might just go that route.

Keep the pics and ideas flowing everyone regardless of my choice on direction I still like hearing how you all do things and I like see the car **** of the work you do lol

And dustermaniac HOW DARE YOU HIJACK THIS THREAD!!!!, hahaha I'm just kidding..... I hope every one who needs to brush up on some metal work gets a chance to catch this thread.

Thanks again guys!