Odd state driving laws

Idaho used to have safety inspections until 81 or so. A Congressman's wife failed and the laws went away. Big government invading our lives you know. Now, hardly a day goes by when I don't see some granola munching patchouli stinker driving her clapped out 3 cylinder Volvo with one headlight, cracked windshield, windows that haven't been cleaned since Reagan was in office, bald mismatched tires, sparks shooting from the brakes, leaving an oil smoke cloud as it bounces down my street on worn out shocks. Typically with a child seat in the back wedged amongst her worldly possessions. At least the oil and dirt have obscured the Earth First sticker on the back bumper. (I hope my brother's girlfriend never reads this).

I was a licensed vehicle safety inspector in North Carolina in the early 90's. You would be amazed what people will try to drive! And don't even get me started on the useless cops who are too busy polishing their nightsticks to pull these clowns over.