Brazilian Dodge Dart 76 (similar to 69 usa)

finnaly I'm installed in new city. Now I'm living in "Juiz de Fora"

Juiz de fora :

I'm working in UFJF as teacher/researcher in Computer Science Dept.
federal university of juiz de fora:

Everything seems to be ok... but I took 3 hard decisions..

First: I paused A-body project. I will just do some cosmectic works. Don't know what to do in my new apartment.. My wife said that she will kill me if I work on dodge dart in a such small place. My new parking garage crap.

Second: I rent a parking garage to my dart.. killing me soflty it.. cart away from me

Third and most hard decision.. I contract a man to do the welding job, prepare car for painting and paint it.. all fun things ... unfurtunately I can't do it..

don't now what to do or how to continue my dart project. I feel like I'm a looser.

you are far from a looser,,,if there is a will there is a way and im sure you will find it,,,get moved in your new home,,,settle in and adjust you will be fine,,, hope your country gets some relief soon,,