Getting a hub for my Dart...

Nobody really know but you and him. I saw in your original post that you tried to contact him and apolagise, maybe he'll cool down and answer. It looks like he tried to do you a solid, and it turned into more work than he bargained for (or originally offered). Like I said before, some people are on a short fuse about offering free help. They still want to help out people when they can, but not when it is not appreciated, or the free parts are then sold. Lots of bad blood slung around and everybody suffers a little. It looks like the offense was not that you were too poor, but that when he offered the parts, you tacked on more time and work than he was willing (or able) to put into it. I don't know his situation, maybe he doesn't have much spare time, maybe his health is not great, I don't know. Just try to stay cool about it and smooth things over with the guy who wanted to help, most likely he still wants to help, he just doesn't want to be taken advantage of.