Warning a work rant!

I work at a equipment rental center. I work with steel and repair machinery. We have been replacing rusted out floors in WM dumpsters, I do the most of them. Today another worker was doing one when he left early for no reason. It must be finished for monday morning. They call me after I get home tonight asking if I can come in and finish it, I say no. If he didnt finish it its his responsibility to finish it, am I right? Call him not me. My main problem is that I make 7.25 an hour and the other guys make twice as much. I always get called for the bull **** jobs, the other workers dont. I get no respect from most of the other workers and I was refused a raise. I leave for Wyotech in april and I cant wait to get out of there. I am good friends with the owner but he wont fix anything about his business. He lets his daughter and her boy friend run it, and they think they can do anything that they want which includes breaking the rules.

Rant over, what do you guys think?