408 4x4 build

Whatsup brian :) Why I didn't just look at your sig idk, I'm not to observant sorry for such a stupid question lol... Is it true that those LAX heads untouched w/ 2.02's fall off after .500 lift. I was talking w/ a guy that benched them and the exhaust was +/- 1cfm up to .550 as advertised, but the flow on the intake, fell on its face after .500. You have truth to this. In your opinion would a "mild" port job be worth the extra $420 for my current intentions. What cam would you suggest w/ 2.02's and what cam would you suggest mildly ported. Would my currnt 237/242 548/555 108lsa 105icl be fine for either or. What cam company do you suggest, does hughes have any advantage to were their cams are worth the extra 70-90 dollars. Whats your thoughts on a deep pan and hv oil pump...

For future upgrade, how would the I beam rods w/ these heads fully ported w/ 2.05's handle a 671 blower w/ 10+lbs of boost. Would an open chamber head be a better option. What would be the flow requirements. I know its getting WAY off track but I woud like to build this motor to handle future mods. Why not build it right the first time.

Thanks for the help Brian, sorry for so many question, I'll probably just call you mon or tues morning if you wont be too busy... That way I can ask 20 questions in 20min rather than 20days haha.

BTW, heres a link for the cam
