Holley 750 Question


Looks like it was water contamination in the fuel.

I used a bottle of ISO-Heet in a tanfull, and the problem went away.

I added one more bottle of ISO-Heet at the next fillup..

Now, since then, I have gone through 3 more full tank fillups without using any more additive.

Still OK...

Matter of fact, it seems to run a little better (crispier throttle response) than it did before the issue cropped up.

Was suggested to me that the water contamination may have occured when I filled up at a Gas Station.

We had just had some massive rain downpours here in SoCal for about a week or more. Turns out that rainwater overflow may inflitrate inside the Gas Station underground tanks, and that if there is enough water present, it may defeat the water filter system inside the cisterns.

If water is present in the fuel, and you happen to be unlucky enough to fill up when the Gas Station's tanks are running low on product, you may suck up inadvertently some of the Water contamination into your car's fuel tank.

I believe that there is a strong possibility that this is what hapenned to my car.
