Anyone here have knee problems?

Yes I know the exact same pain that you have. I'm 56 years old and have worked hard all my life. You know, lifting engine blocks by hand instead of using a lift or asking someone to help you. Years and years of doing dumb stuff like that. Over the last five years the pain has really gotton bad in my hips and knees. I went to a very good sports orthopedic doctor and he had a full body bone scan done. It turns out I have severe osteoarthritis which means I don't have any cartilage left in any of my joints. I started taking Celebrex for pain (I don't have any heart problems) which helps alot. On my next visit the doctor is going to inject both knees with some new stuff on the market. After that the only alternative is knee replacements. That will only happen when I can't walk anymore or I can't stand the pain. I work for CSX Railroad and will probably have to retire early on disability. I hope not. Go see a good sports orthopedic doctor and good luck! You are way too young to be crippled!