My avatar is ill.

I'm real sorry about that. I have a cat named Stubby that is 12. He's a big framed cat and weighs 26 plus pounds. My wife and I helped mama cat bring Stubby followed by five brothers and sisters into this world. We gave a few away, but now all we have of that litter is Stubby and his sister, BumBum. Although they both are still very physically healthy, Stubby has started showing signs of feline dementia. He gets lost in the house and cries really loud. We have to call him so he remembers where we are. He may have a long time left, but since this has started happening, it's made me realize his time is coming one day. I don't know how I will handle that. I wish you all the strength in the world. People who don't have pets cannot begin to know what losing one is like.