Need some advice tuning new engine

Thanks! The carb had the orange springs, and I changed them to the pink. It helped a lot! Pretty damn easy to change out the springs. I just took it for a short cruise, and it surged slightly a couple of times at the higher rpms, but didn't a couple of other times. I pushed it to over 6000 rpms and it ran good. Anybody know how many rpms an engine like this can go to?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of cars on the road right now. I live on a kind of rural road that is good for going fast, but right now a school down the road is getting out and the soccer moms in SUVs rule.

Should I mess with the the secondary opening sooner or thinner metering rods? I don't have much time to today, but I may try the blue springs later to see what the difference is. Thanks again.