a body headers

wish I had been a member 3 years ago and seen a thread like this LOL .. I have hookers on my Dart.. the passenger side was a breeze to install.. the drivers side.. well.. NOT SO MUCH!! what a job. the instructions tell you that you might have to 'loosen' the steering box LMAO.. yeah ok.. actually had to take it out, BUT then found out that if you put the header in you cant get the steering box back in.. grrrr.. so you have to do this wild, slide them in at the same time kind of thing, that required an extra set of hands.. then theres that ground clearance issue on the drivers side.. yeah.. they are LOW.. and mine have shook hands with the pavement a few times.. LMAO .. I had /6 torsion bars in the car though.. upgraded to V8 bars, so this summer we shall see if there is any noticeable differance.. it would be nice to not have to slow down to a crawl when approaching any bump or dip in the road out of fear of that awful bang when the header hits the ground.. which tends to get annoying when buzzing down the interstate and I see an overpass coming LOL .. someday I will check into better headers.. For the price though the Hookers have done their job..