Thoughts on newer vehicles mentality..

Ok, so I was talking to people the other day at college and they told me that they sold off their 80's something GM V6er' beat around car because it burned
to much gas and bought a new car. It ran great and it's been paid off forever and a day.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with people wanting a new ride. It's all preference, however some people will go into debt when the transportation they had was perfectly ok. They will then whine that they are broke. The new car must be a status thing??

Then I get asked "How can you afford to drive that old thing around??"...I told them that "It's paid for and you cannot save any money on gas by making a car payment." I usually get the "you are crazy look". Oh well...

Not only do you make the payment, you also still have to buy gas, pay collison insurance and pay stupid tax rates on them. Not to mention any other wear items that the vehicle will need.

If the average price of a new car is say $18-$30k, I say you can buy a lot of gas for that kind of money.

rant off and enjoy the weekend good folks.