Thoughts on newer vehicles mentality..

I agree with you for the most part ; at least 95% of what you're saying here .

I much prefer driving / owning a car that is :
- without computers
- accessible to work on myself
- free from smog checks ( esp. I/M tests ! )

It is , however , a trade-off . Parts aren't exactly just kickin' back on the shelf ; there is the concern of other drivers' lack of attention ; and old(er) vehicles are finicky when it comes to fuel grades .

You're 100% right about the concept of trading a car that's paid for and gets respectable mileage , for a new car that has higher registration fees ( good ole California !!! ) , monthly payments , full-coverage insurance , and fuel mileage that's not much better .

However , now a days , with all of the plastic **** in the engine compartment , those irritating and expensive replacement headlight bulbs ( that crap out at least once a
year ) , and all the little nickle-and-dime garbage that one experiences after a car turns 5 years old , it's better to trade the bastard for something new , every 3-5 years .