Stuck in the ditch

A woman is driving down a dirt road in the country the day after a rainstorm. As she rounds a corner she hits a slick spot and her car slides into the ditch, where it gets hopelessly stuck in the mud. After spinning her tires uselessly for a bit she looks around and sees a farmer sitting on his tractor in a field next to the road, watching her.

She calls out to him... "Can you use your tractor to pull me out of the ditch?"

The Farmer pulls his tractor into the ditch in front of her car, gets off of it, & begins hooking a chain he has to the underside of her car. He says "You know, you're the third pregnant woman I've pulled out of this ditch today."

The woman replies "I'm not pregnant!"

The farmer says...."You're not out of the ditch yet either."

Ya gotta' love those farmers! :blob:
