From a 70 dart to a Grandpa

Well how things change, working on a car like my first 1970 340 Dart Swinger recreation to being a Grandpa. So I went from auto body work to a woodworker. LOL I like doing both as long as I'm doing it for myself. Now the question is do I have enough money for both. Well you all know what will be first, i don't think the money will mater it is all time spending with the little man. It will be so much fun. Here are some pictures of my car that I'm working on and pictures of the baby cradle that I built. The oak come from a tree that I cut from our land it was 36" on the stump so there is a lot of history in the tree alone. I can only hope that my car turns out looking as good. My wife put a doll that my Mom got for James before she past away it is a my buddy doll. Now it is just a wating game to he shows his face.